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On the ball

with Lulu and Sarge

June 20, 2024

I screen. You screen. We all screen for connection!

Why is it more important for us to get likes and comments from strangers than to have real connection with people who love us? Why is it almost impossible to finish a face-to-face conversation with a friend or family member, when we feel that vibration in our pockets or on our wrists?

The books

The adventures of Lulu and Sarge

Lulu & Sarge are a dachshund duo who are on a mission to solve crimes in the animal kingdom. Their first mission is to take on bullying bees who are stealing from fellow-workers' hives. Even in the heat of fur-raising crime-raids, the little Sarge is keenly aware of obeying her gut feel, reminding the ambitious DCI Lulu that stopping off for ice-cream is as important as saving the planet.

Lulu & Sarge in the Bee Sting Operation is the first in the series of adult-to-children read-alouds. Like the idiosyncratic dachshund, the quirky picture book series is written in rhyming couplets, accompanied by action-packed illustrations. The tale is funny, punny and peppered with light-hearted philosophy and facts about nature. It has all the ingredients for a “pawsome” conversation between big and little people about life, as we know it, on the planet.

A Whale of a Tale

Something fishy is up, down by the seaside, and who better than Lulu & Sarge, to doggedly get to the bottom of it? The local fishing community is up in arms about the whopping whales who steal bait off their fishing rods – eating into their livelihoods. But as the dachshund duo scratch beneath the surface, they discover there are some seriously scaly goings-on in the world of fishery. Needless to say, the stubborn super-sleuths won’t let the mischief-makers get off the hook.

A Whale of a Tale on its way…

The world

of Lulu and Sarge

The DCI (Detective Chief Inspector) is inspired by our highly intelligent and gifted first-born – Lulu. From 7 weeks, the black and tan pup came to work with me every day – drinking tea with clients and peeing under boardroom tables. Within weeks, she learned the ropes of the ad industry and made her “pawsome” mark in brainstorms, strategic planning sessions and on TV shoots. Lulu’s always dug deep to come up with ground-breaking ideas. One of the most notable being founder of the Elite K9 Unit. Her passionate belief in justice for all and always being on the ball, makes her an ideal leader of the unit.

She believes dachshunds, specifically, and K9s, in general, should use their dog-given talents to right any wrongs in nature. It’s necessary for creatures big and small to learn…

… the difference between right and wrong

And understand that to get along

We need to treat others with kindness and respect

Otherwise, our beautiful planet will be wrecked

This wonderfully, wacky pup embodies the joys of life – in the shape of a sausage. Her character is based on two brown clowns who have filled our home with pure sunshine and jerky snacks. While Frankie the Nose Knows isn’t altogether suited to a life of crime-fighting, her exceptional gut feel is a prized quality in the K9 Unit. She can sniff out a criminal hideout or a hidden cookie jar quicker than a rat up a drainpipe. She is doggedly loyal to her best friend and mentor, DCI Lu - despite not being quite as ambitious.

The Sarge would be more inclined to save leftovers from dinner than the planet. But, to be sure, she would share them with anyone who asks. She has the biggest heart and appetite for love, life and liver snacks.

Elite K9 Unit Headquarters

Inspired by the best Secret Intelligence Services in the world, DCI Lulu came up with the concept of the Elite K9 Unit; a training and working facility for all dachshunds who subscribe to the “pawsome” values of courage, kindness and respect.

The unit’s primary aim is to solve crimes in the animal kingdom, in a clever and caring way.

While the DCI initially designed headquarters with holding cells for unapologetic thugs and bullies, the cells are now used to shelter any homeless creature in need.

Meet the Birds and the Bees

aka Nature

From the birds and bees
To the fish in our seas
I think we’d all agree
Our planet needs you and me
To take better care
So it’s still here
In the 4th millennium
For our children and children’s children…

Join Lulu and Sarge as they investigate the goings-on on our planet. Let’s get to know amazing things about nature and about quirky habits of colourful creatures. From the honey bees who get up to bad ‘buzziness’, stealing from other beehives, to the brainy sperm whale who nips bait off fisherfolks’ rods - upsetting their moods and their working lives.

Let’s share stories with one another about incredible nature. Let’s inspire one another to become movers and shakers, action-takers to make our planet a healthier, happier home.

Amanda and Gerda

Author and Illustrator


Back in the 80’s, when leg warmers and shoulder pads were in, the author graduated with an English Honours degree from Wits University, SA. She seriously considered pursuing a rich husband but decided on a career in journalism and advertising instead. This lasted for over 35 years, longer than the lifespan of most marriages.

During this time she created one of South Africa’s first reality shows – “Amanda’s Topdogs” - ironically seeking out a husband, a wife or anyone who would take her.

She’s always known that making people laugh makes her happy. She believes laughter is the only response to life’s absurdities.

She written humour columns and created cartoons for magazines. She’s hosted a quirky music-talk show and worked as a copywriter and creative director at international advertising agencies.

However, by far the most important job she’s ever had is being Mom to three dachsies – Lulu, Frankie and Daisy.


Gerda is a versatile and accomplished artist. She studied fine arts at the Tshwane University of Technology, specialising in both ceramics and painting. Her thesis considered the artist’s fascination with children and childhood – evident in the works of many great masters.

After completing her studies, Gerda had success as a ceramic sculptor, which (amongst other things) earned her a nod from the National Ceramics Association.

Her career changed course when she became a mother, and she turned her focus to illustrative drawings and teaching. It is said that children can see magic because they look for it. Through her art and illustrations, Gerda reminds even the most grown-up among us how to find sparks of the magic of childhood.

Interactive Activities

with Lulu and Sarge

In a disconnected world, the adventures of Lulu & Sarge has been created to be a fun read-aloud series – connecting adults and children, friends and friends, people and the planet. The books are funny, punny and peppered with light-hearted philosophy and facts about nature. It’s the stuff that great discussions are made of, for people from 8ish to 80ish.

In this section, we’ll feature additional fun facts and interactive activities, initially based on
Book 1 - Lulu & Sarge in The Bee Sting Operation

Quirky Quizzzzz about Bees

Quirky Quizzzzz about Bees

1 / 10

Do bees live in…

2 / 10

Do bees communicate with one another through?

3 / 10

The average life of a honey bee during the working season is about…

4 / 10

A honey bee worker makes an average of how much honey in her lifetime?

5 / 10

Up to what speed can a honey bee fly?

6 / 10

Which of the following aren’t pollinated by bees?

7 / 10

How many years have bees been around?

8 / 10

How many eggs can a queen bee lay in a day?

9 / 10

How many eyes does a bee have?

10 / 10

What is the buzzing sound a bee makes?

Your score is

The average score is 38%



with Lulu and Sarge

Watch the artist in action, as she visually captures the Elite K9 Unit fighting off the swarm of bees. As much as the swarm tried to hang in, the tornado-like tailwinds put the bees in a spin. The Elite K9 Unit wagging tails in full force blew the fighter bees off course.


Lulu and Sarge

Calling readers across the planet, to order a copy or three or four of this must-have read-aloud.
Reading aloud to children is a gift that will last a lifetime.

    Buy our books online

    Lulu & Sarge in the Bee Sting Operation by Amanda Horwitz